
Rhasspy 2.5.5 does not yet support Rasa-NLU

We tried to use Rasa as our intent-recognition.
As we are looking at the documentation of Rhasspy, it says we should run a single docker command, add a few lines to our profile.json and we would be ready to go. That was not the case.
When we start Rhasspy with our profile (after we started our Rasa-server), it shows the log-message that Rhasspy cannot find the command: rhasspy-rasa-nlu-hermes, which should be located at: /usr/lib/rhasspy/bin/.

2020-10-14 16:44:54,856 INFO spawnerr: can't find command 'rhasspy-rasa-nlu-hermes'
2020-10-14 16:44:57,861 INFO spawnerr: can't find command 'rhasspy-rasa-nlu-hermes'
2020-10-14 16:44:57,861 INFO gave up: intent_recognition entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly

Is there a solution for this problem?

We installed Rhasspy via the rhasspy_2.5.6_armhf.deb and the previous version: rhasspy_2.5_armhf.deb.
Both of these versions had the same problem.
So we decided to use “FuzzyWuzzy” as our intent-recognition, but our instructions to install Rasa and to train a model will stay here.

What’s next?

A german startup with an assistant called AVA