
Your own private voice assistant

Get started

Getting Started

This is our setup guide for users
developers and everyone interested.

Get started!

User Section

Learn how to connect to WI-FI
and connect your devices.

Take a look!


Learn what your Assistant can do for you
and how he does it.

Explore them!


Find out what makes it all work.
From the wake-word to text to speech.

To the tech!


Get ready to dive deep into our
thoughts and visions of our Assistant.

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If you encounter obstacles your
journey this might help you!

Get a ladder!


Here you can find our source code and
node-red flows. Maybe you even want to contribute.

Make it your own


This project is part of INTIA.

The aim of project is to improve possibilities of digital participation for clients of social work organisations and other institutions.

To achieve this goal we want to develop a private and local voice assistant. The user should be able to control lights and other Internet of Things (IoT) devices locally without internet access, as well as search for information on wikipedia. On top of this the user should be able to ask for the time, set alarms and timers. If there are use cases which require internet access e.g. playing music or getting a weather report, we want no personal information to be send to external servers. Here you can read more about the features.

For our voice assistant we want to use Rhasspy on a Raspberry Pi and multiple open source software packages, which you can find in the our tech-stack section.

What’s Next?

Jump right in and get started