
Wake me up before you go go!


The goal was to set and control permanent alarms, that should not be deleted by a restart. We wanted to be able to:

  • Set/Delete an alarm
  • Stop the alarm
  • (Change the sound of the alarm)


In Rhasspy we have to add new lines to the sentences.ini:

    (setze | stelle) einen wecker (auf | um) (0..24){hours} (uhr)
    (setze | stelle) einen wecker (auf | um) (0..24){hours} (uhr) (0..59){minutes}
    wann (klingelt | geht) (der | mein) wecker
    lösche (den | meinen) (aktuellen) wecker

Example sentences

Some example sentences are:

    1. stelle einen wecker um 12 uhr
    2. setzen einen wecker auf 9 uhr 27

    3. wann geht mein wecker
    4. wann klingelt der wecker

    5. lösche meinen aktuellen wecker


You can find the flow for all functions of this feature here.
(It is the same flow, we used for the time-request and the timer)

The left link-in-nodes are coming from the “Intent-Switch”.



The nodes are used for:

  • function-node(top): creates TTS-message as command-feedback

  • function-node(center-left): sets msg.payload to msg.slots and sets undefined minutes to zero
  • function-node(center): calculates the difference between the system-time and the alarm-time, sets msg.delay as milliseconds
  • delay-node(center): delays the msg-object by the msg.delay-time
  • file_in-node: loads the alarm-sound
  • wav_headers-node: reads some information from the alarm-sound
  • function-node(right-top): sets msg.delay relative to msg.duration from the wav_headers-node
  • delay-node(right): delays the msg-object by the msg.delay-time

  • switch-node: switches by incoming intent to either loop the alarm or stop the alarm
  • function-node(right-bottom): creates TTS-message as command-feedback

  • persist-node(left): reads the alarm-time at boot
  • delay-node(left): prevents errors by delaying

  • injection-node: triggers the clearing of the alarm-time
  • function-node(bottom): creates empty msg-object to realise deletion
  • persist-node(right): stores and deletes alarm-times



The nodes are used for:

  • function-node: creates TTS-message as command-feedback



The nodes are used for:

  • persist-node: reads the alarm-time
  • function-node: creates TTS-message with alarm-time as variable

The complete “Alarm-logic”


The link-nodes are connected to:

What’s Next?

I want to cook my egg for 59 minutes, please set a timer!