
News is what somebody somewhere wants to suppress...


Our main goal was to be able to ask Heimdall for the news.
He should be able to:

  • read some headlines
  • give us more information about specific headlines


In Rhasspy we have to add new lines to the sentences.ini:

lies mir die nachrichten vor
was gibt es für neue nachrichten
was gibt es neues

zur nächsten nachricht

ich hätte gerne mehr (infos | informationen)

Example sentences

Some example sentences are:

    1. Lies mir die Nachrichten vor.
    2. Was gibt es Neues?
    3. Zur nächsten Nachricht.
    4. Ich hätte gerne mehr Infos.


You can find the flow for all functions of this feature here.

Update the news

We decided to use the RSS-Feed of the “Tagesschau”, because it is free and easy to use.

The nodes are used for:

  • injection-node: runs the process every 15 minutes
  • http-request-node: requests the RSS-Feed of the “Tagesschau”
  • xml-node: converts the xml-file to json
  • function-node: formats the json file and saves it

Read the news aloud

The link-out-node is connected to our main TTS-node.

The green section is used to get the headlines:

  • function-node(left): setup an index and creates a beginning message for TTS
  • function-node(top): adds a headline to the message/reads the titles of the news from the stored data
  • function-node(bottom): increases the index/creates the end of the news block, if there are no news left
  • switch-node: decides (based on the index) if the next headline should be read or if the feature should be stopped

The red section is used to control this feature:

  • function-node: is connected to the Command-Request-Callback-Node (via the link-in-node) and filters incoming messages by source
  • switch-node: switches by incoming intents (e.g. [NextNews], [Stop])

The blue section is used to get more information about a headline:

  • function-node: reads the stored description of the headline and creates a TTS-message

The yellow section is used to handle wrong intents or [Stop]:

  • function-node(top): creates TTS-message as feedback for the [Stop]
  • function-node(bottom): creates TTS-message as feedback, if there was a wrong or unknown intent detected


The link-in-node is connected to our TTS-Callback-Node, the link-out-node is connected to the Command-Request-Node.

All TTS-messages in this feature, except the one for the [Stop] intent, are tagged with the source “news”.
We used this to create a loop to control the output.

The nodes are used for:

  • function-node: filters by the source
  • delay-node: delays the message by one second to prevent errors


Tagesschau Tagesschau-RSS

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